Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 52 Yellowstone

FINALLY this day arrived!  So many of us have been looking forward to seeing Yellowstone and it seemed like it would never be here.  Since I think what we did today is best explained via pics, I'll keep the words short and post as many pics as I can.

Part of the team at Yellowstone Lake

Lake + Geysers

Bandana + Hat = ? Also realizing these pictures do NOT capture the grandeur of the lake at all


Canoes on the lake... who would have thought

A few noteworthy things - I did feel like biking through here as a group of 26 would be very dangerous, as the roads had little to no shoulder and very very blind turns everywhere.  We did see a number of cyclists usually in a pair, but the idea of biking around these roads made me nervous.  This is a 4K rule that needs to be kept in place (no biking through Yellowstone).

Quick word about Old Faithful... we all showed up to see it erupt, but were so confused because we saw a couple of other Geysers erupting around it.  For a few minutes we were all waiting in anticipation, and when it (at first anyway) kind of gave a very very weak eruption, I was afrad that it would be the most disappointing thing ever.  Thankfully just a few minutes later it actually erupted and everyone was very happy to see it.

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