Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 55 American Falls, ID to Twin Falls, ID

Today was a great day.  Having had bad wind for the past several days, I decided to be super strategic with the way my group rode.  Because we had a good wide road with very few cars, we switched off between riding in doubles (2x2) and single file to save our legs against the wind (when you ride behind someone, or even better someone(s), it makes your effort much much easier because they block the wind for you).  Fortunately while at times the winds were bad, they were never as bad as I feared they would be, and it kind of turned out that I over prepared, which in this cause kind of worked out.
I won't say who it was, but today we had a teammate who had... a comically troubled day.  Nothing too serious, just funny.  At some point, a truck left a trail of dust that got caught in her eye and her contact fell out of her eyes.  Then she managed to sit on a prickly bush and ended up having the entire team pick them off of her butt.  To top things off, right before the last water stop, her nose started bleeding (quite a bit too), but instead of stopping as everyone thought she would, she insisted that we continue to the water stop, which was only a mile or so away.  Typical 4K day I guess.

Yup those are bullet holes

Amazing gorge today... here's a pic.  Complete surprise that we did not see coming.  We saw it as we crossed the bridge, and we were grateful that there was a scenery area right after the bridge.

Surprise gorge = very nice way to end day

With Kelsey at the gorge... wish you could have been there to see how beautiful it was

One more special thing to note - after we ate dinner, my group went back out to the streets of Twin Falls.  We had biked I think around 95 miles or so, and we wanted to up it to 100 miles to complete a century.  Kelsey dedicated her day to her grandfather who passed away from her cancer, and because she had been in the vans the other days, this was her first opportunity to complete a century.  We just cruised around Twin Falls, enjoying either the lack of wind (when blocked by buildings), or actual tailwind.  Even though we were tired from a long day of riding, it was still an incredible 5 miles to finish.  I had actually ridden today for my friend Megan, whose sister passed away from Hodgkin's Lymphoma two years ago to this day.  So the 100 miles are for Kelsey's grandfather and my friend Megan and her family.

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