Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 36 Benkleman to Yuma

Today we finally left Nebraska and entered Colorado... a change that made me feel like we had really made it out to the West.  The scenery changed quite a bit today as well.  The air was dryer and we actually saw some (dead I think) snakes on the road.  But before I talk about Colorado, I have to mention something that happened, or someone I met, rather.  Today as we were getting close to the Colorado border, we had a water stop at the entrance of a ranch.  We didn't get a chance to ask the ranch owner if it was ok to have it there, and actually as we were there a truck drove up towards us.  We all thought the owner would ask us to leave or something, but he turned out to be such a kind man.  The first thing Larry offered us was water and cold drinks out of his truck cooler.  He played music with us and took a picture with us.  Such a kind person who exemplifies that reception that we've received in Nebraska.  Strangers who offer us water and beverages without hesitation and move their cars into the OTHER shoulder to make sure that we have enough space on the road.  I'll definitely miss Nebraska a lot... and I'm sure I'll be back sooner than later.

Larry, the personification of Nebraska's kindness towards random strangers

Tonight in Yuma, CO.  We're being hosted by the First Presbyterian Church in town, but we have homestays and Max, Victor, and I are staying with Byron and Lalani Weathers.  Byron is THE corngrower in the area, and so we had an amazing tour of the area and the local agriculture.  Usually we pass through these towns so quickly that we never have get to know anyone or see what it's like, so this is a very nice change.  I also learned that aside from the bike ride out in the mountains of Colorado (Ride the Rockies), there is also a newer ride called Pedal the Plains, which one day I would like to participate in... add that to the list of other bike rides (after RAGBRAI and BRAN...)

We also met up with the running team, who are headed in the opposite direction.  Didn't get to spend a ton of time with them, but it was good to meet other 4K people.

Yes... finally Colorado and no longer in the Chicago time zone

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