Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 48 Lander to DuBois, WY

Today we had hoped would be an easier day after yesterday, and it sort of was... the first part of the day was great with moderate wind, but beautiful scenery and just pleasant riding overall.  I was in a more ride-oriented group, so we made great time pace lining and just trying to get there.  Unfortunately the last 20 miles or so turned into a nightmare as we encountered incredibly strong headwinds.  I'm not sure exactly what the mph was but it was pretty bad and let's just say the last 20 miles took over 2.5 hours.  It just seemed like there was headwind after headwind.  There was a brief moment when a canyon wall blocked the wind for us, and it was amazing, the feeling of being able to bike faster than 10 miles an hour for once...

Fairly certain my butt has gotten larger on this trip, definitely thighs do not fit into jeans as well anymore

A more serious picture with my GoPro... by GoPro, I mean holding an iPhone in my hand while biking

Not much of an explanation needed.  Only person remaining who has yet to fall is Emily Lake.. we're coming for you

Tonight we're being hosted by the St. Thomas Episcopal Church.  We had a great dinner of pizza and for the first time in my life, we ended up showering at a laundry mat.  We paid for the showers quarter by quarter, and I managed to spend just $1.00, although I think Chxris beat me with only 75 cents... impressive... or ew perhaps.

Because today is a Friday, it has been exactly 5 weeks since Jamie's accident.  It seems surreal that so much time has already passed since then, and yet it feels like moments ago.  We had a brief moment of silence to remember Jamie.  A fitting tribute.

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