Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 29 to Omaha and Nebraska

We shuttled all of our stuff / bikes via U-Haul.  Although I really want to get back on the bike, considering that we just went on a 17 hour bus ride and slept for 3-4 hours, it's probably wise to shuttle for now.  Dan and I drove a van to Omaha, and I have to say that whoever said Iowa is flat is a big troll because it's hills, hills, and hills.  And wind... a lot of wind.  Even driving the vans, I could feel the wind.

Before we got to the hosts, we stopped at an Olive Garden for lunch, which they were kind enough to donate.  In addition to giving us as much food as we could possibly eat (and then some more), they made us a welcome 4K riders poster and told us to get in touch with them if we wanted to go to other Olive Gardens on our route!  I know I keep saying I'm amazed by how kind strangers are to us, but I have to say it again.   Couldn't do this trip without them.

Tonight we have homestays at the St. Margaret Mary Church.  Dan, Taylor and I are staying with Rita and Len Higgins in their lovely home.  They were kind enough to take us to the Iowa / Nebraska border (a pedestrian) bridge, since unfortunately we didn't get to take pictures at the Nebraska state sign (we were on a busy interstate).  Dinner was at the Surf Side, a great restaurant right on the Missouri River.  A bunch of us ate fried catfish, and I don't want to gloat too much, but let's just say I had to show my teammates how to actually eat a whole fried fish, small bones and all (yes I eat the smaller bones and they are tasty and crunch... mmm... calcium).

Discussing all of these amazing places we're seeing reminds me that I should really post pictures... which I will do at some point... some day...

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