Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 12-26 Some Difficult Times

So I actually haven't blogged in quite awhile.  As most will have heard by now, we lost a rider, Jamie Roberts, due to an accident on day 13 near Lexington, KY.  There's a lot which needs to be said, even if it will be difficult.  I know that in tragedies like this it's common to go on and on about how amazing the person was, but in this case it really was true.  It was only a few days prior to the accident that I joked to a teammate that Jamie "won 4K" (whatever that could possibly mean) because she embodied the spirit of what 4K was supposed to be so well.  She was a strong rider, but never impatient with slower riders.  She might be hungry herself, but she spent time cutting up fruit for the team.  She might be tired, but she stayed up folding the team's laundry without anyone even asking her.
The truth of the matter is that I only knew Jamie for barely two weeks.  But as each member of 4K Portland 2014 will tell you, I feel like I've known her for far longer and I'm incredibly grateful to have been able to spend the last two weeks with her
It's going to take far too long to write about what happened each and every day, so I'd like to just thank all of the hosts that we have had during days 12 - 26.  The American Cancer Society Hope Lodges of both Cincinnati (day 12) and Lexington, KY (day 13 and 14) were very kind to us.  We actually ended up not sleeping in the Hope Lodge in Lexington, but instead stored our bikes there.  We're sorry that we ended up not staying there, but it was immensely helpful to have a place to store our bikes.  Day 15 we were hosted by Chris Ewing near Louisville, KY, the dad of a Team Seattle 2014 member.  Aside the wonderful food and home, we had the delight of having a mail drop.  It was really nice to receive packages and letters from family and friends back home.  Day 16 we stayed in the Sherwood Oaks Christian Church in Bloomington, IN.  I've actually been to Bloomington several times before, so it was really nice to see a (at least somewhat) familiar place.  Day 17 we were hosted by the First Baptist Church in Vincennes, IN.  The church was incredibly kind to us.  Aside from providing great food, several members, one of whom owns a bike shop, donated a lot of their time and labor to give us some tune ups on our bikes, make sure everything was working properly, etc.  Day 18 we were hosted in the Effingham Rec Center in Effingham, IL (finally back in Illinois!)  Day 19 we were hosted in the University of Illinois Champaign Urbana Campus through the McKinley Presbyterian Church (in Champaign, IL).  Despite having lived in Chicago for the last five years or so, I've never had a chance to visit Champaign and it was great to see the college town that I've heard so much about.   Day 20 we were hosted by the Adventure Christian Church in Bradley, IL.  Special thanks to the Bradley YMCA for staying open a little bit past their closing time so that the entire team could shower (crucial).  Day 21 and 22 we were hosted by the University of Illinois Chicago - it was amazing to be back in Chicago, even if for a day and a half or so.  Day 23 we were hosted by the local fire department in Mendota, IL.  Thanks to the firemen who paid for our dinner at the local Mexican Restaurant.  Day 24 we were hosted by the YMCA Camp Abe Lincoln in Blue Grass, IA (near Davenport, IA).  Thanks to the camp for not only keeping their kitchen open late so we could have dinner (we arrived very late that day), but also singing a very welcoming happy birthday to one of our team members Helen, who had her birthday.  Day 25 we were hosted by the Church of the Nazarene in Marengo, IA, who were so kind to wait outside and greet us as we came into the town.  Special thanks to the church member (I'm afraid I didn't catch his name!) who met us at 3:30AM because had to leave so, so early...  Day 26 we are actually being hosted by the Ulman Cancer Fund COO Brian Satola at his house.  We are back in Clarkesville, MD to attend a Celebration of Life Service for Jamie.

I know it isn't ideal to thank all of the hosts in this way and I wish I could thank each host in a more personal manner, but I ask for understanding due to the recent events.  There is no way this trip would be possible without all of your support.

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